What is Norcon

Norcon is the Premiere Northern California wargaming event.

Every year wargamers from all over California converge on Redding's "" park for two days of wargaming.

All gaming systems are allowed.  Events and tournaments are scheduled for all major gaming systems.

2013 will be Norcon's forth year.  This year's events are going to be bigger and better than the previous year's events. 

Each event is listed in the green menu bar near the top of this page.  Click on any game type to see the associated event information.

Norcon was started by several hard core gamers from various groups.  These groups include G3 Productions, Brotherhoodofmutants.com, and Tempest in a Tea Pot.

NorCon 2014
July 25th - 27th

  • Badab Wars Historical Re-Fight

    From the minute I saw the new Forge World model for Lugft Huron I was hooked. The Badab War has always been one of the more interesting stories that the 40k universe has to offer. It brings a certain humanity to the Space Marines that you just never see anywhere else. Combine that with Forge World writing the books and producing what I consider the best models in our hobby and I just could not imagine a better way for my friends and I to showcase our interest in the 40k.

    The goal when I started dreaming this up was to provide a nice way to keep connected to my friends in CA and also spark an interest in marines that wasn't "which codex is best". With the amount of "counts as" going around and a desire to by many to crush their oppoenents Badab again sets itself as the perfect place to play out a storyline without suffering a tournament style pressure to win.

    I hope that participating in the Badab campaign will provide a chance for people to model, paint, and game to the highest level, but without feeding the beast of competition. I also hope that eveyone taking part in the campaign will take advantage of the free form, project based, goal oriented feel for the campaign I will be running. Everyone that participates should agree that to take part means you will do your very best at all aspects of the hobby. This is truly the chance to do your best modeling, painting, and gaming. There are almost no requirements to participate other than 500 points and a leader. I look forward to seeing what eveyone puts down on the table in July.